Priority Issues


New Hampshire residents should NOT be buried in excess property taxes.  Past legislatures have pushed the State’s financial responsibilities down onto towns, while providing large tax breaks to wealthy out-of-state corporations. This shifts the burden of paying for essential services onto our property tax bills. As your State Representative, I will hold state government accountable, and work to keep your property taxes down


Our children and grandchildren deserve the best possible education, one that prepares them for the future.  Public school education, early childcare, and vocational education are among the most important services we can provide. In recent years funding has been directed away from our public schools, and we have seen threats to interfere with local decision-making.  As your State Representative,  I will support proper funding for our public schools, and autonomy for our local school boards, so that all of our children can receive a world-class education


Affordable, available early childcare is crucial to our children’s development, and to prepare them for school. Parents should have to choose between working, and ensure that their child is safe and well cared for. As your State Representative, I will work to both reduce the cost of early childcare, and increase the supply of local childcare resources for families in Seabrook and Hampton.


All of us deserve the freedom to make our own healthcare and family planning decisions.  Pre-existing conditions should NOT prevent proper health insurance. We are already seeing national and local attempts to limit access, and reduce coverage for pre-existing conditions. As your State Representative, I will work to defend Granite Staters’ healthcare and reproductive rights, and keep politicians out of private medical decisions.

Infrastructure in Seabrook and Hampton, including our shared harbor:

Seabrook and Hampton share a spectacular coastline, including a working harbor which is a major visitor attraction and home to 139 commercial use moorings, 23 charter boat operations, and the Yankee Fisherman’s Cooperative.  Proper support of this critical resource requires working with federal and state organizations to support the livelihoods of our harbor community, and addressing the impacts of climate change with sustainable and resilient infrastructure. As your State Representative, I will work towards smart decisions and smart investments in our regional infrastructure, particularly as it relates to Hampton Harbor and our beaches.

Energy costs and renewable energy:

Seabrook and Hampton residents and businesses are saddled with high heat and electricity costs.  Most of this is from non-renewable sources like oil, natural gas, and the traditional electric grid.  Our neighbors deserve the opportunity to leverage federal and state programs to help them lower their energy costs, and shift their energy usage to cleaner and more resilient sources.  As your State Representative, I will ensure that Seabrook and Hampton are getting their fair share of resources and programs, and push for legislation the increase the availability of renewable energy.