Standing up for Seabrook and Hampton.

I am running for the New Hampshire House to represent the best interests of our friends and neighbors in Seabrook and Hampton.  In my view, this is not a partisan job at all. I believe that most people are as tired of the party-based arguments as I am. The job is to do what’s best for our communities, enact legislation that helps them, and fight legislation that hurts them.   As a long-time Seacoast resident, I understand the issues which are important to our communities.  Those issues might not always be heard in a 400-person State House.  It would be my honor to be one of the voices speaking up and acting on behalf of the residents, town employees, and businesses of Seabrook and Hampton.

About John.

I have lived on the NH Seacoast for over twenty years, and in Seabrook since 2017. My parents emigrated to the U.S. from the rural west of Ireland, and raised my six siblings and me in an Irish neighborhood near Boston.  My wife Laura and I have three amazing daughters and four delightful granddaughters. I have recently retired from a fulfilling career running a small engineering services company, and helping other businesses get off the ground.  I have been very fortunate in life, and would like to give back.

Laura and I enjoy supporting the Seabrook public schools, the Seabrook Fire Department, and a variety of good causes around town. We stay close to local political events.  I am a member of The Seabrook Lions and the Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce.

Laura and I started up an on-line newsletter and Facebook page ( The Seabrook Citizen (newsletter) and Seabrook Citizens Association (Facebook))   The intent of The Seabrook Citizen is serve as a local newspaper, providing non-partisan information on events and topics of interest to our neighbors in Seabrook.  We have enjoyed doing “deep-dives” on issues of local interest, and getting great discussions going with our neighbors.